Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 10, 2016 - My New Adventure Begins

Well, after several flights (Turkish Airways through Istanbul, then to Rome), I arrived in Rome mid-morning and was met by Pino--the driver--who delivered me directly to my new home.  

After spending a little time to get settled, it was time for Pranzo (lunch - the main meal of the day).  I sat down with His Eminence in our spacious dining room and chatted about my journey.  I also shared with him that while this new adventure is very exciting - it has also been a very emotional few weeks and had some difficult "goodbyes" - to family and friends, to parish and parishioners (to be very human and honest, I spent a bit of time on the plane in tears as we left JFK - sorry, I am human and can sometimes get emotional).

Continued to unpack, but needed NOT to fall asleep, so I went for a long walk around the neighborhood.  There was a short line to get into St. Peter's Basilica (in the world in which we live today, everyone entering the Basilica must go through airport-style security).  I entered through the "Holy Door" for the Jubilee Year of Mercy and headed straight over toward the tomb of our beloved Pope Saint John Paul II.  I knelt down and prayed something like this: 

Dear Saint John Paul: you came here to this country from far away because you had been called.  I, too, have been called by God to come here to this city - to the Heart of the Church - for a special ministry and service to the larger Church - and in a particular way to support the Church in the Holy Land through the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher.  As I begin this ministry, I dedicate my time here to you, asking for your intercession for me - that my time here will be fruitful for the Church in the Holy Land AND for me personally.  Protect me, Pray for me.  Amen.

Then after a visit to the Blessed Sacrament it was time to head back to the apartment to celebrate Mass with His Eminence.  After Mass, a little more settling in (unpacking and trying to figure out the TV remotes), we went out for a nice dinner.  Then, TO BED for a good night's rest.

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